Anor Davlatova, in Tajikistan

Location: Fayzabad, Tajikistan
Primary Activity: Retail
Loan Use: to increase product assortment
Loan Amount: $1,025.00
We Contributed: $75.00
Repaid: 28%
Date Funded: Oct 1, 2008
Repayment Term: 18 months

Anor is 42 years old and has a small store at the center of her town. She purchases products from wholesale suppliers and resells them at retail prices. 


Anonymous said...

it's great that you contribute to this. :) am currently not in a position to make a loan, so for now, i just put up kiva's banner on my blog. but i love the idea of kiva.

Adventure girl said...

Megan, Thank you for doing this blog. It really paints a clear picture of what the project is about and I plan to give regulary once I get things in order;) Have fun in Jeff City! Love, your mama!